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Lumixyl (ルミキシル)ショップ の日記





International Recording Artist Junko Yagami: “Lumixyl Is My Choice Skincare”Posted on January 23, 2012 by Curtis A. Cluff

I use the Lumixyl Topical Brightening System because it really works for my skin and it is so gentle and mild at the same time. Traveling and touring can be exhausting, but it is even harder on my skin. Yet taking care to have skin that looks healthy and bright is very important when you are constantly under the stage lights. Recently I ran out of my Lumixyl while touring. A colleague on tour gave me a very expensive skincare product to use instead. Even though it was quite expensive for a small bottle, it did not help and actually caused my skin to break out with blemishes! I went back to Lumixyl as soon as I could and within weeks, my skin once more looks and acts so young and healthy. I recommend Lumixyl to all of my friends.



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